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George Richardson Haskell
Jane Reeves
George Miller
Sarah Ann Kitchen
Reuel Haskell
Margaret Jane Miller
Paul N. Haskell


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1. Mary

Paul N. Haskell

  • Born: Jan 1879, Ohio 112
  • Marriage (1): Mary

bullet  General Notes:

Taken from a letter written by Reuel Haskell in 1921.

Paul N. was home one month last summer then went back to the sea. I suppose he is on the ocean somewhere or in some European port. We expect him home in the spring for a short time a least. He has a strong desire to get a position with the U. S. Merchant Marine but at last account had not succeeded. He is well qualified for the good positions as he was promoted to Chief Yeoman before he left the Navy. Chief Yeoman is the highest an enlisted man in the Navy can get.


bullet  Noted events in his life were:

1. Residence, 1935, Galveston, Texas. Taken from a letter written by Reuel Haskell in 1935.

2. Occupation: Traffic Manager for the Black Wholesale Hardware Company, 1935, Galveston, Texas. Taken from a letter written by Reuel Haskell in 1935.

3. Residence, 1880, West Leipsic, Liberty Township, Putnam County, Ohio. 64

4. Residence, 1930, Galveston, Texas. Taken from a letter written by Reuel Haskell in 1930.

5. Occupation: Traffic Manager for the Black Wholesale Hardware Company, 1930, Galveston, Texas. From a letter written by Paul's father, Reuel, to J.H. Miller in 1930.

6. Residence, 1926-1927, Galveston, Texas. Taken from letters written by Reuel Haskell.


Paul married Mary.

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